28 Feb 2016 - Visit to CRC Kem Syed Sirajuddin Gemas by Chief of Defense Forces, Tan Sri Dato' Sri Zulkifeli Bin Mohd Zin on 28 Feb 2016. The aim of the visit is to look at the progress for all programme under the CRC. CRC Gemas is the biggest CRC compare to the other five CRC located in army camp. This CRC can accommodate 450 ODS and run agriculture,aquaculture,and rearing ayam kampung with the ultimate aim to provide multiple skill to the ODS for them to use after release from the CRC. Apart from Chief Executive of MiDAS, Datuk Azizan Bin Md Delin, Secretary General of Ministry Agricultural, Datuk Seri Dr. Ismail. Bin Haji Bakar, Chief Director of MARDI, Dato' Dr. Sharif Haron, Director General of FAMA, Dato' Ahmad Bin Ishak, Deputy Director of Prison Department Dato Haji Hassan Bin Sakimon and senior rank military officer involved in the visit.