25 Nov 2019 - The MiDAS Conference 2019 was successfully organised by MiDAS at Pullman Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 25th November 2019. The welcoming remarks was delivered by MiDAS Director General, Mr Noor Hisham Rosle while the keynote address by Minister of Defence YB The theme for this conference was "Defending a Maritime
Nation:Whither MAF Joint Force?". As many as 200 participants from a variety of government and non-government agencies as well as defence and security academicians, analysts, policymakers, researchers and law enforcement officials were involved in the Conference. The Conference consisted of two topics of discussion:
i. Session One – “Strategic Outlook of a Maritime Nation”
ii. Session Two – “Shaping the Future Force”
The closing remarks was delivered by The Deputy Prime Minister,YB Liew Chin Tong.