3rd Sept 2020: The 9th Seoul Defense Dialogue (SDD) hosted by His Excellency Park Jae-min, Vice Minister of National Defense
Vice Minister of National Defense, Republic Korea was live-streamed online,The three-day online seminar, started on 1st September 2020 until 3rd September 2020 is a multilateral security forum aiming to contribute to multilateral security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region and facilitate the instillment of peace on the Korean Peninsula; and was live-streamed for viewing by defence officials across the globe. Malaysian Institute of Defence and Security (MiDAS) hosted the online event for Malaysian defence officials. It was attended by Deputy Secretary General (Policy), Ministry of Defence. It was also attended by Directors, senior officers and officers of the Ministry.With the theme “Emerging Security Challenges: Overcoming through Solidarity and Cooperation”, the SDD 2020 emphasised the importance of solidarity and cooperation in facing the current crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic as the latest non-traditional security threat facing the defence and military sectors. Featuring international renowned panelists, the forum focused on three sessions; Global Order and International Cooperation in the Age of COVID-19, Non-Traditional Security Threats: Implications for Defence and Korean Peninsula Peace Process: Achievements, Outlook, and Tasks.