8th Oct 2020- A team from Contemporary Security Study Centre make a courtesy visit to Johor police chief, Commissioner Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay. The purpose of the visit is to handing over an Invitation letter to Datuk Ayob Khan for him to deliver a talk during MIDAS Conference that going to be held at Malaysian Armed Forces Mess.
He will have delivered on the topic of Sempadan Negara Bolos? PATI Menjadi Tekong; Cabaran dan Halangan Penguatkuasaan di Johor. This event is conducted in conjuction of Defence White Paper Road Tour Program by MIDAS. During the visit Lt Kol Dr Maimunah Omar accompinied with Encik Ahmad Tajuddin bin Mohd Said both are Assistant Diector from Contemporary Security Study Centre hand over the invitation letter to Datuk Ayob Khan.