19th November 2021 -MIDAS had a session with YBhg. Datuk Dr Mohamed Alwi bin Hj Abdul Rahman, Head of Emergency Department, Selayang Hospital.
He shared his experience in dealing with Covid19 from the perspectives of strategic, operational and tactical levels. He stressed that in any crisis, the elements of Command, Control, Communication, and Coordination are essential to have effective disaster management during an emergency or disaster situation.
He repeatedly mentioned the importance of training as part of the preparation for any disaster. Learning from the pandemic, he informed that all government machinery and all levels of societies have to play their roles and assist each other. Finally, he advised that Malaysia needs to plan ahead and forecast the next disaster in the future. We would like to thank YBhg. Datuk Dr Mohamed Alwi bin Hj Abdul Rahman for sharing his insights and foresight with us.