-By Cadet Officer Ahmad Rizq Dzakwan Shariffudin
Reexamining the PLKN 3.0's five objectives—forming positive character, promoting national unity, enhancing patriotism, igniting volunteerism, and producing a bright, athletic, and competitive generation—we find that all five can be accomplished with 100% military training. Our Territorial Army Regiment already possesses the necessary skills to accomplish the intended goal and can offer training. For one month, the recruits will receive basic military training in addition and additional amenities like clothes, lodging, food, and other things.
The implementation of PLKN 3.0 is the government's great idea and effort, but by enhance the Territorial Army Regiment in terms of organizational structure, suitable training, and the provision of quality trainers, is something that may be suggested to the government, and gives several advantages, particularly for the government's defence industry. Additionally, according to the Minister of Defence, "We need to upgrade the 13 Territorial Camps across the country first for that." Although the Territorial Camp will be enhanced for PLKN 3.0, it would be a preferable if the camp's use are specific to the Territorial Army Regiment. We drafted a new Law requiring all SPM graduates to enlist in the Territorial Army Regiment and undergo military training for 1 month, With this, we will indirectly accomplish Objectives similar to PLKN 3.0 and educate about the Values of National Identity, Cooperation, Unity, and Voluntarism.
Furthermore, employment opportunities in the Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) may be promoted by the government in coordination with the Ministry of Defence. This is a result of the low information among SPM graduates of the ATM's structure, potential career paths, and amenities. These young men and women will now have more job options, as the ATM can elevate all of its Corps and units. Additionally, some SPM graduates, despite their lacklustre performance, possess abilities in specific areas, such as vehicle repair, among others. Depending on their skills or units, we can offer them a contract to join the Permanent Force and provide the necessary training. In besides providing them with more employment options, we have strengthened and expanded the capabilities of our national defence; the government must support this strategy and raise the defence budget.
As an example, let's look at Singapore, where all male citizens and permanent residents are required to perform two years of National Service (NS) once they turn sixteen. Some Singaporeans believe that NS is crucial for acquiring job-related skills. A majority of 93% of Singaporeans support the continuation of NS, per a study done by the Institute of Policy Studies. From this, we can observe how beneficial military education and training are for the populace as well as how they help young people develop as good citizens—can provide individuals with valuable skills and experiences that can be beneficial in their future careers. It can also instill discipline, leadership, and teamwork, which are highly valued in many professions.
Singapore also offers a programme to assist its unemployed individuals in seeking jobs. One option available to the Singaporean government to assist its people who have not yet found employment but have successfully finished their National Service (NS) is to provide them Career Conversion Programmes (CCPs), collaborating with over 40 companies across a variety of sectors in Singapore. Furthermore, CCPs may assist Singaporeans who were employed before entering NS in refining their work abilities, which would facilitate their return to their old positions. Having successfully completed NS for at least two years is one of the requirements for applying to this programme. We ought to take Singapore's model in offering job opportunities and even supporting Malaysian firms by supplying them with reliable workers for trainees who successfully finish their national army training. Indirectly, this boosts the local economy as well.
Without a doubt, the government's decision to bring PLKN 3.0 return again is a good attempt to instill a sense of identity, unity, and patriotism in Malaysia's youth. However, it would be better if the government concentrated only on one organisation, improved the Territorial Army Regiment's organisational structure, and made it mandatory for young men and women to take part in the planned training. In order for the training to be relevant and fulfil the goals outlined in PLKN 3.0, it must be thoroughly examined. Additionally, the government must provide trainees with career opportunities to join the Permanent Force. This plan has also indirectly made each of these young men a valuable asset for the National Defence, allowing it to rely on other resources in the event of a conflict rather than just the Permanent Force to defend the nation.
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Idris, R. (2023, November 23). PLKN dilaksanakan pada 2025 - Tok Mat. BH Online. https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/2023/11/1180703/plkn-dilaksanakan-pada-2025-tok-mat
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore. (2021, March 11). National Service Matters. Www.mfa.gov.sg. https://www.mfa.gov.sg/Overseas-Mission/New-Delhi/Consular-Services/Notarial-Services/National-Service-Matters#:~:text=Under%20Singapore
Ganesan, N. (2023, July 5). Most people in Singapore still support National Service, but fewer view it as important for job skills: Study. CNA. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/national-service-jobs-nsmen-nsf-defence-mindef-ips-3607221
WSG Career Conversion Programmes (CCP) for Individuals Singapore. (2023). Cwp-Sf-Base. https://www.wsg.gov.sg/home/individuals/attachment-placement-programmes/career-conversion-programmes-for-individuals